La Malédiction du Lys

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Technical data

Authors : Céline and Martin GUYOT

Original idea : Zangro

Production : Bien ou Bien Productions

Type : TV Drama Unit

Country : France

Language : French

Cast : David Baiot, Erika Sainte, Jeanne Bournaud, Iñaki Lartigue, Christophe Favre, Annabelle Lengronne, Vincent Lecœur, Frédéric Andrau


The calm of Bordeaux is suddenly shattered by two murders perpetrated according to a ritual reserved, two centuries earlier, for runaway slaves. The victims, all notable, come from slave-owning families. So when Lieutenant Antoine Barthélémy, a black Parisian and descendant of slaves, is constantly on the scene to lend a helping hand to Superintendent Clémence Aubrac, a white Bordeaux woman and... descendant of a slave trader, the pair ignite a spark. Until the day Clémence appears on the killer's list...


Audience leader for its first broadcast, on June 10, 2023, ahead of the Champions League Final, with nearly 3.9 million viewers.

It was also number 1 on France.tv replay in the following weeks!

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